This site is dedicated to disseminating information to Public Health Officials,
Hospital Administrators, Fire and Police Departments, School Administrators,
Pediatricians and Mental Health Personnel who are concerned with, and may become
involved in Pediatric Mass Casualty Preparedness.
There are three key issues that prompted the development of the material on this
The professional literature, government web sites, professional organizations
and interviews with First Responders, Public Health Officials and Emergency
Planners reveal that there are no standardized methods or protocols in place
There are three papers and two manuals available to you on this website. The papers review the literature and offer a working vision of "best practices" for pediatric disaster victims. The manuals offer practical instructions for managing pediatric disaster victims (and their families) at the hospital or in the field.
Since Pediatric Response is an area that is evolving, your reactions to the
material and input will be most welcome. Feel free to e-mail or call with your
comments, corrections and questions.